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How to write a blog post – 10 tips for all types of blogs

Write great blog posts easily and effectively!

Whether you have a niche blog, a business blog for B2B or B2C, or a personal blog, writing a blog post can be a challenge. To make the writing process easier, we’ve put together these 10 tips that will get you on your way to a content-rich blog with great blog posts! 

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What is a blog post? 

A blog post is a composition of content that has been published on a blog. What this content is depends on the type of blog you have and the post’s purpose. 

A blog post can, for example, include: 

  • A personal story 
  • A photo series 
  • An article 
  • A guide 
  • Personal reflections 
  • An interview 
  • A review 
  • A recommendation 
  • A news piece 

There is no definitive answer for how your blog post should be. Of course, there are some good starting points if you want your blog post to be read and liked by your target audience. For example, the 10 tips in this article. 

How to write great blog posts – 10 tips 

Now let’s look at the 10 top tips we’ve collected for blog posts. Some tips will help you smooth out the process, while others are specific tips for writing blog posts that are easy to read, simple to write, and effectively reach your target audience. 

1. Create a good routine for your writing 

To write good blog posts quickly and efficiently, it’s wise to establish a solid routine. This makes it easier to publish posts regularly, allows for adequate preparation time, and ensures you have enough time for writing. 

Here’s a suggestion for a routine: 


Set aside a fixed time each week for research. This can involve looking at competitors’ blogs, relevant websites, articles, or social media profiles, and writing down ideas in your idea bank. 

Review your idea bank 

Your idea bank can be a document on your computer where you jot down all ideas for blog posts you could write. You can do this in Word, Excel, or any other Microsoft 365 app

Go through your idea bank and conduct more in-depth research for each idea on your list. Perform keyword research and assess whether the topic will resonate with your target audience. Look at how articles and blog posts on the same topic are structured. 

Let your findings inspire you but remember to have an original twist on the topic. 

Find visuals that fit your idea 

Instead of starting with a blank page, you are now equipped with a concrete idea, some keywords, and a good dose of inspiration when you start writing. 

You should also find good images that match your blog. Visual elements like images, illustrations, or videos help bring your text to life. 

Schedule and publish 

When the blog post is finished, you can publish it. It can also be a good idea to schedule the post in advance, for example, a week ahead. This way, you ensure you’re always one step ahead. 


As your blog starts to fill up, it’s important to regularly review statistics and analyse the results so that you can see which blog posts are working well and which ones need some adjustments. 

2. Organise your blog post into categories 

Dividing your blog posts into categories makes it easier for you to create a solid plan for your content and set clear boundaries for what you will write about. It also makes writing blog posts easier. 

Additionally, your readers get a variety of content that they can easily navigate. 

Here are some examples of categories: 

  • Professional articles 
  • Customer stories 
  • Completed projects 
  • What’s happening around the office 
  • Our employees 
  • Interviews 
  • Reviews 
  • Product tips 

Start with a few categories and add more over time. This way, the work doesn’t become overwhelming, and you ensure that each category has a good selection of posts. 

In’s Academy, we have a large collection of articles to help our customers succeed online. We have divided these into categories that together cover the areas our target audience is interested in. Feel free to look and see if the categories can inspire you! 

3. Blog on your own domain

There are many good reasons why you should have your blog on your own domain

 If you are building a brand, it will look better and have a greater SEO effect if the blog is part of your business website. 

With your own domain, you also have much more control over your blog. This makes it easier for you to set up good blog posts where you have full control over the layout and design as well as the content. 

In addition, you avoid the risk of a third party having partial ownership of the content you create. 

If you have a WordPress website, it is easy to set up a blog. You can also look through our help article if you want to learn how to write and publish a blog post

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4. Audience, audience, audience 

We can’t stress this enough: when working with content, your audience must always be top of mind.  

At least, if you want a blog with high and relevant traffic. 

Your company might be excited about a new launch, but your audience is probably not as enthusiastic. 

They don’t care that you’ve completed your big project; they care that your new vacuum cleaner with an integrated mop makes cleaning ten times more efficient. 

Look at the topic from the reader’s perspective: 

  • Why should they click and read this? 
  • What do they gain from knowing what you’ve written? 

Finding, defining, and studying your audience is one of the most important tasks you’ll do for your brand. 

5. Write good headlines

There’s no point in writing a fantastic blog post if it doesn’t get read. 

The headline is the doorway to your blog post. It determines whether the reader is interested enough to click through and read more. It also plays a significant role in attracting organic traffic. 

A good headline is both SEO-optimised and written in a way that piques the curiosity of your target audience. 

There are several tricks and tips for creating a good headline. Aim for a headline that grabs attention, stands out in the crowd, and makes the reader so curious that they immediately want to click in and learn more about the topic. 

However, remember not to promise something in the headline that you cannot deliver in the text. 

6. Make your text easy to read

Simplicity is often best. This applies to text as well. Avoid unnecessary filler words and write your blog post as simply as possible so that everyone can understand it. 

Structure the text to make it easier to digest. Use subheadings to neatly organise the text and break the text into paragraphs to make it easier to read through. 

You can break up the text using elements like these: 

  • Images 
  • Illustrations 
  • Bullet points 
  • Highlights 

Remember that text on the web is quite different from text in books and newspapers. Even though you’re primarily writing a text, it’s always a good idea to keep good UX design in mind. This will provide the reader with the best user experience

Bonus tip! Quotes can also be an effective tool to break up text and highlight an important message. 

7. Use writing formulas

Starting a text can be challenging. You know the points you want to convey, but the document in front of you is completely blank. 

A good solution can be to use a writing model! Writing models are not only a cure for writer’s block but also shape your text in a good way. They can help provide structure, clarity, and flow to your writing. 

There are several writing models you can try out. Here are two classics: 

The inverted pyramid 

 A writing model primarily used for news, where you write the most important information first, followed by details and further explanations in descending order of importance. The further down the text you go, the less important the information becomes. 

The fish

The ‘Fish’ model is often used as a starting point for feature articles. You start with the fish’s mouth, which is meant to “grab the reader,” for example, with a headline and introduction that catches attention. The body of the fish illustrates the content of the text, and then the tail of the fish comes last, delivering a twist— a conclusion or reflection that gives the reader something to think about. 

If your blog post is more advertising-focused, you can also check out our article on 5 good copywriting formulas

8. Blog regularly 

Many people starting their own blog wonder how often they should blog. There is no golden rule for exactly how often you should blog, but it is smart to be consistent over time. 

With each blog post you write, you get more content on your website, which can attract organic traffic. Provided that the content of the blog posts is relevant to your target audience. 

It’s an important part of your SEO strategy

A lively website that is regularly updated with new and exciting content also makes your website more attractive to potential and existing customers. 

9. Find suitable images 

As we mentioned earlier in the list, images, illustrations, and videos can be great tools for breaking up text. 

People are attracted to colours and shapes that their eyes can rest on. The main image in your blog post can have as much of an effect in capturing attention as your title, if not more. 

While an image on its own can make your blog post more readable and create more engagement, the image should be relevant and provide something of value. 

 Here is a checklist to keep in mind when working with images for a blog post: 

  • Choose images that emphasise or complement the point of the text. 
  • Select high-quality images. 
  • Use a good plugin to optimise your images, such as Imagify
  • Authentic, original images are always best. 
  • If you don’t have your own images, you can find free images for your website. Make sure they are safe and that you know the rules for copyright. 
  • Remember alt text. It’s good for both SEO and accessibility. 

A suitable image in a good blog post should be so relevant that you only need to look at the image to understand the essence of what the post or section is about. 

10. The audience decides the word count

There are several recommendations regarding how many words an ideal blog post should have. Some suggest between 1,500-2,000 words, while others believe 300-600 is sufficient. 

Instead of focusing on the exact word count for your blog post, there is one other thing ensuring your posts are the perfect length: 

What suits your audience?  

Are they looking for a comprehensive guide, or is it enough to cover the basics of the topic? 

By analysing your blog, for example by installing Google Analytics in WordPress, you will eventually discover which blog posts your readers spend time on and which ones they don’t finish. 

This will give you a good indication of how long your blog posts should be. The answer may also vary depending on the topic and format of the post. 

Write great blog posts! 

We hope these 10 tips will help you on your way to writing excellent blog posts! Be inspired by everything around you, experiment, and use analytics to continuously improve your blog. 

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