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Deep-dive into everything you want to know about hosting

Discover everything you need and want to know about web hosting in our Academy. Whether you’re a beginner looking to understand the basics or an experienced webmaster seeking advanced tips, our curated collection of articles has something for everyone. Stay updated with the latest trends and insights to ensure your website performs at its best.

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MariaDB vs MySQL – what are the differences? 

MariaDB is a database for your website that fits well with WordPress but how is it different from MySQL? We compare MariaDB and MySQL....

  5 minute read

DNS server not responding – how to fix the error 

Have you received the message "DNS server not responding"? We'll help you troubleshoot and find the error on Mac, Windows, Android and iPhone....

  8 minute read

What is headless CMS? How can it help my business?

If you’re looking to publish content across different platforms, headless CMS lets you easily reuse and remix content across channels. Read more here!...

  8 minute read

What is a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?

A CDN is a network of servers that help make your website faster, safer, and more stable. We share how it works and how to get started with a CDN service....

  7 minute read

What does ‘500 internal server error’ mean? + 9 solutions

A 500 error means that the server cannot execute a request. But how do you solve this problem? In this article, you will find 9 solutions!...

  6 minute read

What is .htaccess? + 8 useful hacks to apply

With .htaccess, you can make an Apache server perform specific tasks. Do you want to know more? Read all about .htaccess in this article....

  5 minute read

What is a 301 redirect?

With a 301 redirect, you redirect visitors and search engines to another page. This article tells you how to set up a 301 redirect yourself....

  6 minute read

What is a CMS (Content Management System)?

You can easily create and manage your website with a content management system (CMS). Want to know more? Learn all about CMS in this complete guide!...

  11 minute read

What does 502 Bad Gateway mean? + 10 tips to fix the error

Are you experiencing a 502 Bad Gateway on your website? It is essential to fix it. In this article, you will find 10 practical tips....

  5 minute read

What is a 404 error, and how do you fix it?

A 404 error is common, but it has a significant impact. This article will tell you what a 404 error is and how to fix it....

  6 minute read

Host your images with image hosting

With image hosting, you host images on an external server, making your website or device faster. Do you want to know more? Read this article!...

  8 minute read

What is a 403 error? And how do you resolve it?

A 403 error is an error message that is easy to solve. Want to know how? Read this article!...

  5 minute read

What is an IP address?

An IP address is a numerical string that refers to a device connected to the Internet. Do you want to know more? Read this article!...

  7 minute read

Host your website on our eco-friendly, green hosting

Your website runs on our eco-friendly, green hosting. Read what we are doing to reduce our carbon footprint....

  3 minute read

Is shared hosting bad for SEO?

Find out what type of hosting you should choose to ensure that it does not negatively impact your SEO efforts. ...

  3 minute read

What is a dedicated server?

Dedicated hosting is a popular web hosting type. Read everything you need to know about dedicated hosting today & how it can make your business a success....

  3 minute read

What is VPS hosting?

VPS hosting is a popular web hosting type. Read everything you need to know about VPS hosting today and how it can make your business a success....

  3 minute read

What is shared hosting?

Shared hosting is a popular web hosting type. Read everything you need to know about shared hosting today and how it can make your business a success....

  3 minute read

What is a proxy server?

What does a proxy server do? Should you use a proxy server at your company? Find out everything you need to know about a proxy server today!...

  4 minute read

What is PHP?

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages that enables you with a user-friendly and advanced website....

  4 minute read

What is MariaDB?

MariaDB will efficiently enable you to meet all your workload; it works in any cloud database & works at any scale – small or large. Also, it can be used for free....

  4 minute read

What is FTP hosting and File Manager application?

With FTP, you can easily transfer your files to your webspace at Also, you don’t need to install a program thanks to our File Manager application....

  3 minute read

What is TFTP?

We've shared everything you need to know about TFTP. Find out what a TFTP server and a TFP client is and why it's important....

  3 minute read

Can I host a website?

Do you want to know how to host a website that you've perhaps just created? We've shared everything you need to know to host your own website....

  5 minute read

What is cache?

What does cache mean? And how to clear your cache? Read the importance of cache and why it's necessary to clear your cache once in a while....

  7 minute read

FTP and SFTP – what to choose?

What is FTP, and what is SFTP? Find out the difference between File Transfer Protocol and Secure File Transfer Protocol and find out how secure they both are....

  5 minute read

Improve your website speed

8 easy tips that you can implement to improve your website's performance. Optimise your page speed and say goodbye to long and tedious loading times....

  8 minute read

Which hosting to choose?

Choosing the right type of hosting can be challenging. In this article, we’ll help you make the right decision....

  3 minute read

Manage your files with File Manager

Our easy File Manager enables you to administrate your web spaces files directly in your browser and allows you to administrate several tasks without hassle....

  4 minute read

How much RAM and CPU does my website need?

How much RAM and CPU does your website need, and how do they work together? Read more here and find out why they are crucial for your website to work....

  5 minute read

What is IPv6?

A brief history of IPv4 and its successor IPv6. Read about the benefits of IPv6, the IP that supports our internet devices, in this article and learn its importance....

  6 minute read

What is SSH?

How does SSH work & what does it do? Learn about the history of Secure Shell's predecessor Telnet and how SSH improved our internet security in this article....

  7 minute read

What is web hosting?

Your website cannot exist without web hosting. Simply put, it's the physical location of your site on the internet. Find out how it works in our article....

  8 minute read