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AI marketing – optimise your marketing strategy with artificial intelligence

Explore how AI can be used in digital marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just a buzzword – it’s a game changer for businesses of all sizes. AI allows you to work faster and more efficiently with everything from creating your company’s website to written content, targeted campaigns, and analysing large amounts of data.  

In this guide, we explore AI marketing and cover examples, effective strategies, and tips on how to best implement AI in your marketing. We also look at the biggest benefits and challenges of using AI. 

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What is AI marketing? 

AI marketing involves using artificial intelligence to automate or partially automate various marketing tasks, including writing content, data analysis, workflow optimisation, campaign targeting, enhancing the customer journey, and certain aspects of search engine optimisation (SEO). 

Small- and medium-sized businesses can benefit from AI-driven tools that boost marketing efforts and achieve strong results faster, even if their marketing budget is limited. 

According to The Nordic CMO Survey, a study conducted by marketing and industry media Resumé in Sweden and Kampanje in Norway, 82% of 540 Nordic marketing directors stated they use artificial intelligence in marketing. The survey was conducted in 2024. Last year, this figure was 48%. This illustrates the rapid development in AI marketing and, of course, that it’s a competitive advantage to jump on board. 

Examples of AI marketing

To illustrate how AI is used in marketing today, let’s look at three well-known brands that have had great success using AI in their marketing and improving the customer experience.


If you use Spotify, you likely received both an email and an in-app notification at the end of the year with your Spotify Wrapped list. The Wrapped list shows Spotify users the stats on which artists and music genres they clicked “play” on the most.  

Spotify uses AI to compile personalised playlists and recommendations for millions of users worldwide. Using AI, the platform analyses user behaviour, listening patterns, and times, to recommend music that matches each user’s preferences. This also lets the streaming giant create email campaigns personalised for individual users.


The recommended products and “top picks” you see when visiting Amazon’s website are also an example of AI marketing. The suggestions you see are unique to your user profile and are based on a combination of tracking data and your previous purchases, which are analysed using AI.  

The aim is, of course, to increase the chances that you’ll be tempted and make a purchase, even if you weren’t consciously looking for the displayed products.


The coffee chain Starbucks also uses a combination of AI and data analysis to send personalised offers to customers via their app. In 2020, Starbucks introduced the initiative Deep Brew, where the company plans to use artificial intelligence to optimise everything from customer experience and staff management to coffee machines and product development. 

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How to use AI in marketing

AI isn’t just for large companies. Small and medium-sized businesses, as well as freelancers, can also use artificial intelligence to work faster and more efficiently across a wide range of marketing tasks.

Let’s look at different areas where you can use AI to optimise your marketing efforts.

Create websites and landing pages

If you’ve just started a business and are ready to establish an online presence, you’ll need a website. In the past, this was a large task requiring a lot of technical know-how, but that’s no longer the case. Thanks to AI, you can create a complete website in just a few minutes. 

When using the Website Builder from, you simply provide the built-in AI tool with basic information about your business and concept, and it generates a website for you faster than you can get up and grab a cup of coffee. 

The AI tool does all the heavy lifting for you. It selects images and generates text for the different sections of the website. Of course, you can edit and customise everything exactly as you like. 

If you need a landing page for marketing a new product, your newsletter, or lead generation, the AI tool can also help you create that. You just need to select the option to add a new page to your website. 

Write content

Writing good content for a website is time-consuming. The AI writing assistant in the Website Builder from (built on technology from OpenAI) can help you write texts for your website, such as product descriptions for your online shop, headlines, about us pages, and any other types of text you want on your site. It only needs a few details about the language, topic, purpose, keywords, and target audience. 

If you’ve already written a text, you can ask the AI writing assistant to rephrase it, make it longer, or shorten it. 

There are, of course, many other AI tools you can use to write content. The most well-known are ChatGPT and Google Gemini, both of which can generate various marketing texts in seconds. For example, you can ask one of the tools to write texts for your business’s social media posts, a newsletter, or an invitation to a webinar. 

Both tools can write virtually any type of text you can think of in no time. However, to achieve good and usable results, it’s important that you write a good prompt – that’s the instruction you give your AI tool. Feel free to read our article How to write AI prompts that get resultsif you want to know more about how to do it.

Analyse data

One of the biggest benefits of AI is its ability to analyse large amounts of data in a short time. If you need to identify patterns in your customers’ behaviour, segment your target audiences, or analyse your sales figures, you can use AI and save yourself many hours, which you can then spend on something else.  

Let’s assume you have a small online shop. Over a longer period, you’ve collected information about your customers, including data on their user behaviour on your website, previous purchases, and how often they open your newsletters. By asking AI, like ChatGPT, to analyse this data, you’ll have the opportunity to discover patterns that will make it easier to create effective campaigns and tailor your offers to specific periods and target groups. 

If you’re unsure how to interpret a document with statistics or a chart, you can even upload an image or screenshot of it to an AI tool and ask for help interpreting it. However, you should avoid uploading files containing confidential information, as prompts are sometimes used for the ongoing training of AI tools. 

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Research and brainstorming

Need an idea for your next campaign, a topic for a great blog post, or suggestions for cocktail names for your restaurant’s cocktail menu? AI can help with brainstorming. 

For example, if you work as a freelance graphic designer, you can get an AI to give you several suggestions for topics to write about on your blog with a simple prompt like this: 

I’m a freelance graphic designer. I have a blog on my website, and I need to come up with exciting topics to write about. My target audience is small businesses and startups. Can you help me come up with 10 different topics that will interest my audience and drive traffic to my website? 

Here are 4 of the suggestions Google Gemini gave us based on our prompt: 

  • Popular design trends in 2024 
  • Logo design 101: Tips for creating a memorable logo 
  • Colour psychology in design 
  • Typography tips for beginners: Choosing the right fonts 

The tool also categorised the suggestions and wrote a short explanation for each. 

If the AI tool doesn’t give you a useful suggestion on the first try, you can simply ask it to give you 10 new ones. That’s the great thing about AI – it doesn’t get tired or need large amounts of coffee. 


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial to ensure your website is discovered online. 

Many of the most popular SEO tools already have built-in AI functions, including Rank Math, Semrush, and Ahrefs, and it’s definitely worth investing in one if your goal is to attract valuable traffic to your website. 

Free AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini are a good complement to paid tools. They can help you with keyword suggestions, writing SEO texts, meta descriptions, alt texts, headlines, and optimising existing content. By using them, you can save a lot of time on time-consuming SEO tasks. 

However, neither ChatGPT nor Google Gemini currently have correct information on search volume, search intent, competitors, or keyword difficulty. For that reason, you should always combine them with actual SEO tools. 

Create spreadsheets

Many of us spend countless hours thinking up, creating, and filling in spreadsheets. If you need a spreadsheet to keep track of your SEO keywords, Google Ads, campaigns, or other data, you can ask AI to create a logical spreadsheet for you. 

Google Gemini can create Google Sheets, while ChatGPT can create spreadsheets in multiple formats compatible with Microsoft 365 Excel, including .XLSX and .CSV. These can easily be converted to a format that can be opened in Google Sheets. 

You’ll get the best results if you write a detailed prompt describing exactly how you’d like your spreadsheet to be structured. If you’re unsure, you can also ask the AI tool to suggest a spreadsheet, for example, for keyword analysis or organising ideas for campaigns. You can always ask it to make changes later if you’re not happy with the result. 

Write and respond to emails

Is your inbox often overflowing with emails you should have replied to days ago? 

AI can help you both write and respond to emails.  
When you create a professional email on your own domain with, you’ll have access to our AI writing assistant. It can help you work more efficiently with your daily email communication, whether you need to convey important information to your team, write a convincing sales email, or respond to a customer enquiry. The Webmail Writing Assistant can write in 11 different languages. 

Both ChatGPT and Google Gemini can also help you with emails, of course, but the Webmail Writing Assistant is integrated into your email, making it easier and faster to work with. 

AI in marketing – advantages and challenges

Just like most other technological solutions, there are both advantages and challenges to using AI in marketing. Let’s look at some of them: 

Advantages of AI marketing

Increased efficiency

One of the most obvious benefits is increased efficiency. Artificial intelligence automates time-consuming tasks, giving you more time to focus on creative work, new strategies, and your customers. In the long run, this can lead to higher conversion rates and strengthen your brand’s position in the market.

Improved ROI

AI can help you target and optimise your content faster, leading to an improved ROI (Return on Investment), meaning you get more out of the resources and time you invest in your marketing activities.

A better customer experience

AI can help in tailoring your content for the right audiences, analysing large amounts of data, and streamlining your workflow. As a result, using AI in marketing increases your chances of creating a better customer experience, fostering loyal customers who trust your brand.

Challenges of AI marketing

Risk of errors

Although AI can generate vast amounts of content in no time, you should always be mindful that all AI tools can make both grammatical and factual mistakes. While these tools have greatly improved over the past year, they are not infallible. Always carefully review the output before using it. 

Bias and discrimination

Artificial intelligence is only able to generate content and solve tasks because it’s been trained using large amounts of data, such as texts and images from across the internet. This means it may generate results that are biased or portray certain groups of people inappropriately. Always be aware of this before using AI-generated content.

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3 tips for incorporating AI into your marketing strategy

To ensure you get the most out of using AI in marketing, it’s important to strategically integrate the technology into your workflow. Here are 3 quick tips to help you get started:

Set clear goals

Before you begin working with artificial intelligence in your marketing efforts, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase your conversion rates, improve the customer journey, or simply work more efficiently? Setting clear goals will help you find where AI makes sense, and which tools best meet your needs. 

Start small and scale up gradually

There’s no need to overhaul all your workflows overnight to include AI. Start by implementing AI in one specific area, such as content writing or email communication. As you gain experience and learn what works best, you can gradually introduce AI into more aspects of your workflow.

Stay updated on the latest developments in AI

The field of AI is advancing rapidly. There is an intense race among the major AI companies, meaning new features or improvements can appear at any time. By staying informed on the latest developments in artificial intelligence, you ensure you don’t miss out on anything that could potentially enhance your marketing strategy. 

If you want to stay updated on developments here at, be sure to visit our product updates page, where we regularly share exciting updates on our solutions and products. 

Artificial intelligence: a part of future marketing 

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. There are many opinions on how this technology should be used, but one thing is certain: it’s here to stay. As the technology evolves, it’s likely to become an indispensable part of most companies’ marketing strategies.  

By familiarising yourself with different AI tools and incorporating them into aspects of your own strategy, you’ll be better equipped to adapt your business to a highly competitive and ever-evolving market.

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