New WordPress improvements: Easier use and more visual tools

The WordPress experience has improved dramatically in the last few months. We now offer new themeseasier image importing, and operational tools like PHP compatibility scanner and an “Under Construction” plugin. You can explore these and many more features with our brand-new guided tour in your WP admin panel 

WordPress powers more than a third of the global web with 17 new sites being set up every second. To help our customers easily run their WordPress websites, we continuously build tools and features on top of our robust hosting infrastructure, specifically optimised for WordPress websites. Here you are the latest updates to our WordPress product:  

  • Focus on images and videos. We’ve added 6 new themes, including two for vloggers and gallery sites. We have also included a One Photo importer tool, enabling our customers to use media files from our free gallery  in a single click.  
  • Get started quickly and easily. From now on, all your tools and plugins are integrated into your WordPress experience and explained in a guided tour. An “Under Construction” plugin can put up a temporary page with a countdown and a contact form, making sure you capture leads while you’re perfecting your website.  
  • Know where to focus with better error reporting and a PHP checker. The compatibility tool scans installed plugins and themes to alert you of possible upgrade-related issues ahead of time. With PHP versions changing regularly (link to PHP version article), knowing what might break is essential to maintaining a seamless website experience. 

To continue bringing you better WordPress services, we’d like to collect data on how you’re using our plugins and themes. We hope you’ll accept the Terms for data collection to help us better understand and improve your needs over time.