56 000 WordPress vulnerabilities repaired in 1 year

The core mission of one.com is to make online presence simple and accessible to all. Our belief is that it’s best accomplished by creating products that give our customers a competitive advantage and safeguard the hard work of building their dreams on our platform. We see built-in preventive security as an insurance of our customers’ investment in their online presence.

This Cyber Security Awareness month, we are proud to announce that our partnership with Patchstack that has led to the prevention of more than 56 000 vulnerabilities in our Managed WordPress installations since the launch of our Managed WordPress add on in August 2021.

By integrating Patchstack’s vulnerability database into our Managed WordPress Health Monitor we’ve leveraged our own Update Management software for WordPress to automate the flow of vulnerability detection and addressing the vulnerabilities with visually and functionally tested updates. Securing our customers’ online presence is a continuous dynamic task and we are committed to continuous innovation for the sake of our customers’ site performance and growth.

To learn more about our Managed WordPress add on and enjoy 75 % off your hosting plan with a whole year of Managed WordPress for free* click the button below:

What is the Patchstack vulnerability database?

Patchstack gathers vulnerability data from various sources around the web to create a comprehensive database on WordPress core, theme and plugin vulnerabilities. They have their own bug bounty program for ethical hackers and security researchers who actively look for vulnerabilities within open-source software.

Patchstack’s data allows them to be the first to react to new threats, meaning that protective measures can be put in place by the time a new vulnerability becomes known to the public. These protective measures give the customers peace of mind, and extra time to either update their vulnerable software or find safer alternatives.

For these reasons, Patchstack has quickly become the go-to security solution for WordPress hosting leaders.

About Patchstack

Patchstack is leading the way in open-source security by connecting technology, threat intelligence, and community to secure the open-source ecosystem. The company provides websites with protection against WordPress core, plugin, and theme vulnerabilities. Patchstack also owns the leading WordPress vulnerability database and runs the first bug bounty program for WordPress plugins.

*Offer is subject to availability