We are sponsoring WordCamp Madrid 2023

one.com makes its debut in the Spanish WordPress community by sponsoring the ‘Conecta’ networking area on November 4th-5th.

For one.com, contributing to the WordPress community and being present at the local level is a source of pride, and an activity in line with our core values as a company. This year alone, we have sponsored three WordCamps at the European level under our one.com label, and five WordCamps under our broader group.one corporate identity.

Our sponsorship is a testament to our continued dedication to local communities, where we always seek to add value and learn from the best.

With this mission in mind, we are delighted to announce that we will be sponsoring the ‘Conecta’ networking area, which is available to all attendees of WordCamp Madrid 2023. We aim to use this opportunity to connect with fellow members of the Spanish WordPress community, learn from them, and understand how the community operates and what its needs are.

Our Product Marketing Manager for WordPress, Liza Bogatyrev, along with our Marketing Specialist for one.com Spain, Maria Luisa Hurtado Urdiaín, will be available to answer any questions and get to know the attendees. Come and visit us in the “Conecta” Zone to exchange ideas, learn together, and put faces to names. We look forward to meeting you! In the meantime, as always, you’re just a few clicks away from getting started in WordPress with us.