Important changes to supported PHP versions

The PHP framework has reached an important milestone, releasing its 8.0 version out of beta and discontinuing support for the older 7.2 version. Going forward, only code relying on 7.3, 7.4 or 8.0 is supported by hosting infrastructure.  

PHP, one of the easiest and most popular web programming languages, has made a big step forward with promoting 8.0 to the stable state. This version brings with it many new features, performance gains through JIT compilation, and much more.  

As always, it’s important to keep your website up to date to fix any identified security gaps, take advantage of performance improvements and unlock new functionalities. A few of our customers are affected by the deprecation of the 7.2 version, but most websites hosted with us are already on 7.3, 7.4 or 8.0.