Create and personalise your customers’ orders with manual orders

It’s now possible to make a manual order on your customers’ behalf. Personalise your customers’ order experience, reserve products, or take their orders on the phone with a new feature in your Online Shop.

Manual orders enable you to capture more sales by managing orders and payments manually – whatever your reasons may be. Whether you’re on the go and would like to place an order to a new customer on the spot, or perhaps on the phone – never miss an opportunity to sell to a customer who’s interested in your product and services.

If you’d like to sell more – simply send the link to your customer to complete the checkout you prepared for them. It’s also possible to mark payments as complete, would your customers pay you in cash or by another means than through your Online Shop.

Here are some of the ways you as a shop owner can customise and improve your customers’ order experience:

  • Create an order on behalf of a customer
  • Include a discount to a specific order
  • Add a custom product
  • Reserve products to guarantee product availability
  • Duplicate an order form to use as a template for future orders
  • Add custom shipping details