Updates to Google Fonts license

We have recently updated the terms under which Google Fonts are used in our Website Builder and Online Shop tools. We always do our best to stay GDPR compliant and strive to ensure that our customers’ websites are too.

As all Website Builder websites are using Google Fonts; To continue to use Google Fonts on your website as required pursuant to the GDPR you need to follow these few steps.

No need to be alarmed, no visible change will happen on the site, and the update itself is very easy

To republish your site:

  1. Log in to Control Panel
  2. Go to Website Builder
  3. Add a small change, such as a space in copy
  4. Undo the change
  5. Hit Publish

In general, compliance with rules and regulations is very important to our company. For example, we support cookie banner integration as a standard for Website Builder, to help our users easily comply with GDPR and other tracking regulations

We also advise you to always seek legal advice in terms of ensuring that your cookie pop-up banner, privacy policy and cookie policy comply with the GDPR and the cookie rules applicable in your country, as you are the data controller for all personal data you obtain through your website.