Drive for gender equality at

We are one. We have one mission: creating an inclusive, secure, and sustainable future for everyone, everywhere — all brands in group.ONE share the same vision, and we work together toward a better world. We’re happy to share what we’re doing to get there.

We proudly present our first Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) report. It features the group’s 2022 sustainability achievements and its goals for 2023. Gender equality is one critical component of the future we envision.

Ensuring equal opportunities for women

In 2022, group.ONE activities focused on creating better conditions for attracting women to leadership positions by:

  • Implementing a hybrid work model for a more flexible work/life balance;
  • Creating the employee “one development” program, which identifies rising stars;
  • Removing gender-specific questions and terms from job offers and recruitment processes;
  • Enabling an AI-powered module in our recruitment system to avoid bias during screening

We’re confident that these changes will promote gender equality in the workplace, creating an environment where one’s competence is the sole factor determining this person’s professional growth. So, there are some objectives we want to hit in the future.

Gender equality goals

  • Achieve over 40% representation of women in managerial positions by 2025.
  • Launch an anti-bias training for all recruiting staff and hiring managers during 2023.
  • Review parental leave policies across group.ONE in 2023 and adjust them if needed.

These goals are attainable. We count on the cooperation of all our employees to ensure we’ll meet our gender equality objectives in the long run. So, we’ve decided to make them a critical component of providing a safe workplace for women and for everyone.

Preventing all forms of discrimination

We do not tolerate harassment and discrimination. To prevent these behaviours, our Employee Handbook clearly defines sexual harassment and outlines consequences for doing it.

To ensure a safe workplace, group.ONE provides a confidential space for employees to report inappropriate behaviour on all our sites through the whistleblower channel. We aim to create an environment where nobody will avoid reporting issues for fear of repercussions.

You can read the full report HERE.